Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dr. Jeanne's niece

Hello, my dear friends.
I found a note that my niece left under the lamp on my writing table. Perhaps she never meant it to be found. Yet, I like to dust and keep things in order so I did find it. Here, I'll include it.

In my niece's hand:

Somedays I miss you in my life. I know we've never met, but I want to love you. I know that I love you already. Some mornings, I wake and I feel as though you were there holding me. Yet, when I fully wake, I know that you were never with me in my small twin bed. Do you know that loneliness? I hate it, but it is mine for this time.

Now, don't judge me for having shared this note with you. However, it just struck a cord with me. These young girls yearning after love.

Dr. Jeanne